Burke Primary Care Urgent Care Clinic Hours are Mon – Thurs 8am – 7pm, Friday 8am-5pm, Saturday 8am – Noon

COVID-19 Resources

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, please refer to the below for credible sources, BPC updates, and Burke County-specific information.

Update: CDC Sars-Cov-2 fact shets

Updated 01/13/22: patient fact sheets and general information on Burke Primary Care's Sars-Cov-2 testing can be found here: 
Patient Information

Update: COVID-19 Vaccines

Updated 02/22/21: The COVID19 vaccination program is being managed by the Federal Government in which Burke Primary Care is participating in the program, as soon as doctors' offices are allocated vaccines. Currently, Burke County Health Department is managing Phases 1 and 2. Due to limited supply, Burke Primary Care is encouraging everyone to get the vaccine where they can. In a few weeks, the State of NC will update doctors' offices on when they are progressing to the next phase of vaccination. Please check back for vaccine updates or check our Facebook page

Get the facts

Refer to credible sources for COVID-19 info and avoid misinformation. 

CDC (Center for Disease Control): https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html

WHO (World Health Organization): https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019

Our Procedures

At Burke Primary Care, we strive to make our offices safe and our services available to all patients.

What to Know Before Coming In

Burke Primary Care continues to do our part in reducing the opportunity for spreading the virus.

What to Know on our Drive-Through Clinic

Our Procedure for Patients that Test Positive

Tips on Being in Public

Practicing public safety and responsibility will help stop the spread of COVID-19 and keep our community safe.


Commonly asked questions from Burke Primary Care providers

I am not a patient, can I get a COVID-19 test at Burke Primary Care? 

Unfortunately no, we are not able to offer COVID-19 testing to non-patients at Burke Primary Care. We recommend calling your doctor and asking where you should go.

I think I have COVID-19 symptoms, but I also have allergies. What should I do?

Please refer to the CDC's listing on symptoms here: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html. If you think you might have COVID-19, call your primary care provider for guidance. 

I have the antibodies. Am I safe from getting COVID-19 again? 

Since COVID-19 is relatively new, this is still an unknown. There have been cases of patients getting COVID-19 more than once. We recommend practicing all the safety precautions listed above and assuming it is possible to get it again. 

My family member has COVID-19, and we live in the same house. What do I do?

Try to designate an area for that family member and practice social distancing. It is possible for one household member to get COVID-19 and not infect others. Keep an eye out for symptoms and call your primary care provider if you start to develop any possible signs. 

FDA Emergency Use Authorization Patient Fact Sheets

FDA Express-Gene Fact Sheet - Cepheid PCR
FDA Quidel sofia Fact Sheet - Antigen
FDA Quidel S2flucovid Fact Sheet - Antigen
FDA Antibody Fact Sheet - Antibody