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A Better Morning Routine

Feb. 28, 2011, midnight

If your days are stressful and rushed, consider a fresh, new approach to your morning routine. Start with a healthy breakfast and morning exercise, and you will set a positive tone for the rest of your day.

Getting into action with simple activities like taking a walk, going to the gym, or practicing an invigorating morning exercise, such as tai chi or yoga can help you feel focused and ready to meet the challenges of your day. Be sure to power up with a healthy breakfast to give your body the fuel it needs.

Morning exercise can boost energy levels and endorphins. It can jump-start your metabolism and get your blood and circulation flowing so that you have more energy for the day. Yoga is an ideal morning exercise. It can improve flexibility, posture, balance, muscle tone, and endurance. Yoga also has mind-body-soul benefits, providing an emotional as well as a physical lift. Doing yoga in the morning can give you a feeling of tranquility, boost your energy levels, and raise your spirits for the rest of the day.

Walking can also be an excellent component of a morning routine, and it’s even better if you can walk outside. Nature has a wonderful vital energy that we can benefit from. Plus we get a little bit of vitamin D, which is important for bone health and the immune system and may even help fight cancer and heart disease. Another benefit of getting some sunshine is that sunlight helps regulate the pineal gland, which releases melatonin and helps us sleep better at night.

It’s important to break the fast. When you skip breakfast, your body says, ‘Okay, I need to conserve energy.’ Then your metabolism slows down and you have less energy throughout the day. Some people may need more calories for breakfast than others, but the most important thing to remember is that everyone should eat something. An example of a healthy breakfast is oatmeal sprinkled with cinnamon and almonds, yogurt and berries, and a cup of tea.

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